Last nite I only can spend 15 min for blogwalking..
Cos I'm mother of two...
but only for last nite!!
Emergency babysitter...
Being a "Mother Of Two" to baby Min and Baby Mai ----> Bini Kedek Blog's Daughter
I can say... Not easy
hehehehe.. make me feel like...
I don't want to have a second baby!!!
heee.. naaa kidding.
Wait until baby Min 4 or 5 years old....
Cos now she still can't accept that she's a "SISTER"
Now 6.30AM..
So Shiela (Bini Kedek) probably on her way to pick her baby now..
Baby Mai still sleeping..

6 Secreto D Amore:
nak kena mintak abg google translate terjemahkan la baru paham...hehehe..kita lemah bahasa omputih..
*ya ja yg mampu kmk type..hehehe
bape umur baby min skang eh..?
baru perasan ade tulis kat atas tu.. 1 year n 9 month old.. lambat lg la nak dpt 2nd baby camtu.. hehe..
uiiissshh.. lama lg laa... silap2 xde 2nd baby.
hehehe... puas min bmanja- munju..
pak long.. mlampau laa pak long ni!! ade ker google translate. ishhh
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