3rd entry for TODAY --> 10th March 2010
Bravo Laydee_N...
tttccchhhh... Menyampah
Baru 3 jer dah kembang hati...
Dah.. Dah..
Naper laa aku hari ni?? tak sudah2 nak merapu rapa.. aahhh.. dah lupa apa nak ditaip plak.
Never mind.. come straight to the point.
Ni My junior masa Politeknik Kuching dulu..
Masa kat Poli rasa2nya tak prasan la kewujudan dia.. ahahha... melampau kan?! So so sorry.. I'm A heartbreaker..
I'm a lone ranger.. takde la kata tak bergaul. Just most of the time, I'm ALONE. G klas jln sorang2 dengan otak melayang ntah ke mana.. kkdg berselisih dengan kwn or even kawan panggil pun tak dengar. Tahap pekak yg kritikal ker apa??!! G cafe pun kkdg sorg2.. Jogging jer la kene berteman, kalau tak... tak wujud la blog Laydee_N ni. ahahha.. Prasan la nak kene culik... tapi tak mustahil la kan?? Wat i'm trying to say is I'm not arrogant kind of person. Just look like one.. but errr.. never mind. Merapu lagi..
Where were we?? Aaahhh..
Ok.. here come the tag part.
***First. You have to print screen wallpaper that you are using right now***
Jeng! Jeng! Jeng!
Taadaaaa.... this is it!
Hishh kantoi desktop office byk icon yg tak bkaitan..
***Tell us why you like the wallpaper***
why?? can it just be my secret?? hahahha...
Ok I'll tell you why..
Cos the wallpaper make me SMILE!!
Smile is a good starting for me to start my @#$^& day..
even the smile just.. a SMILE..
Smile as fantasize..
Smile with tears sometime...
As long as it's a SMILE..
Only then I can proceed to my task....
tttcchhh.. Berangan jer lebih. Tak abis2...
Kang jd macam cerita "Cik Ah Cik Nin"
Mana2 pun berangan..
Hiiisshhh bg malu jer...
*** Tagged 10 People ***
Laydee_N : So so sorry.. I got tagged and the tag wanted me to do so.. so...sorry ek. heeeeeeeeeeee........ Lari!!!!!!!

7 Secreto D Amore:
tak paham sgt ape tag2 kt blog ni..igt facebook je boleh tag. btw nice wallpaper. i dont have wallpaper at my office pc, just plain black. cause i only can see it when start login pc, and when i get back..other than that, filled with huge number of windows and mozilla. ;)
salam buat laydeeN..
pak long akan jawab tag ni dengan kadar segera...mekasih tag pak long..
Hye rahim.. x paksa.. hehehe... sajer jer tagged nama u. a way to promote ur link... hehehe..
Pak long... mekasih krn sudi layan tag ni. hehehe.. jap lg g terjah..
oh..saya telah di tag. hehe.. nnt buat ek..
hehe..tag jgn x tag..hahaa..tenkiu coz replying my tag.. ^__^
wizza : mekasih.... sorry to baby k? auntie buat mama dia sibuk jer..
emma : u r very da welcome.. lain kali jgn x buat lg ek..
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