This is life.. A life that I tried to hide from you before daddy and abang took you away from us *especially Mummy*... We always love you. It's never a "NO" for that. So please, hope you will understand... Mummy went through a lot of inextinguishable pains. She have choose her own way to move on and yet she never neglected us.
Did you ever noticed the tears in eyes every time I'm staring at you? No, you were just a little boy, but I talked to you as if you can see what I'm seeing.
" Yeen, apa pun jadi... JANGAN SESEKALI PILIH DADDY!! Kakak sik mok kau merasa apa yang kmk orang dah rasa. Faham ka? Ingat cakap kakak tok.. Once kau dah pilih daddy.. kau sik akan dapat jumpa mummy!! percaya kata kakak... ok?? Faham kau ka?"
I keep on repeat the same stupid question "faham ka?" even I knew that you don't even understand a #@$%ing thing what I'm trying to tell you. Did we ever blame you for that?? NO... WE NEVER DID!! We all made the same mistake. I know how exactly you feel.. so don't you go and talk back to me as if I'm living in a "WONDERFUL WORLD".
Me and kakak Onie still fighting for a better life... A BETTER LIFE FOR WHO? FOR YOU.. YEEN. If only I have the "wishing dust" *the one in -13 going on 30- movie*... I rather give it to you. Cross my heart... I really mean it. You need it more than I do cos I will survive any way.. any how. I never give up on you.. I'm still trying, just that I need you to hold on to something else 1st while I'm mending my life.
Bout Mummy, keep in your mind... She is always our mother. A mother never forget her children. So forgive her if she can't always be there for you.
Trust me.. there is always a hope. We all cried and revolt bout the same thing... That make us equal. Be happy.. just put a smile and walk. You'll find the light.
Set a target for your life and go for it without a doubt. We always here for you.

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