Love : Today? I'm not in the mood to talk bout it. Seem like nobody really care.
Career : Huh...~ Who dare to take the "credit"??? Be my guest..
Health : Yeah... feeling well now.
Wealth : What Bonus?? ttcchhh... stingy boss!!eeeiiii...
From first word till " least tell them how you really feel" ---> I can understand perfectly. But, after that..???????????????? ahahha.. What ever.
What rainbow?? Arrr... can this D. Parton just make it straight to d point? Haaiiissshh...

2 Secreto D Amore:
dan penerangan secara ringkas....
smuanya berjalan baik dalam perhubungan samada dah berkahwin atau belum.....awak dah bersedia utk segala kemungkinan....dan I'ALLAH....awak akan bahagia slamanya bersama keluarga tercinta.....
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