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Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Mum??!!

Take a Closer Look.. How old is she? Cuba la teka..
If not mistaken, my mum masa ni 41 years old. Ntah mana dia ambik gambar ni, all I know~ she was trying a korean / japan produck (KANEBO) masa tu. But now switch to Lancome.. Gambar ni rasa-rasanya dalam 2004. Ahh.. dia la tu, masa tu belajar kat CIDB. Balik2 tengok mummy jadi model Korea. Hahahaha.. just kidding.
Intro :
Name : Livan Egang
D.O.B : 31st December 1962
Race : Kayan (Belaga)
Children : Nazli (30), Efa (28), Ronie (25), Yin (17), James (4).. ~R.I.P Mohammad (20 years ago)~
About her :
She's strict!! But that is a good thing. Cos if she's not, I won't be who I am now. I think I'll be ~lazy, messy, crappy, what ever sy ~ py.. tak reti masak, mengemas, what ever kerja rumah. And one more thing, if not because of her... I'm not a Diploma holder now! Well, I know it's not much.. But..... hahaha.. there's a "but"... To get a scroll of this Dip... bukan sesuatu yang senang. Pernah dengar orang ambik diploma 8 tahun? hahaha.. Me. The craziest thing I ever done!! Biar la Rahsia... Hahaha.. Ntah apa2 Ntah. 8 tahun tuh.. Hishh.. so unbelievable! Ntah berapa kali mulut ni cakap :" boring!! malas mok sambung!" Kene kaunseling pun pernah ni.. Do not Try this at School!
Back to mum, er.. what more to tell? haaa... just like others mum, her cooking are so so yummy!!!! The only person can make me fat.. Mummy! hehehehe...
erm.. no more to tell...
Last but not least..
She's one tough women with a strong heart that no one could ever imagine or feel the pain she felt inside. I just wanna wish may God blessed everything she have done.. wish you all the joy and happiness in your life. Love you always.. Mmmmuuaahhh ~(^-^)~

1 Secreto D Amore:

ScorpioLaydee said...

We just Love our mummy!!

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