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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rat a.k.a Tikus

It's 1am... still not sleeping yet. Going to office tomorrow, got something to settle.... Thinking of resign. ~(@,@)~  maybe darl s rite. Keje main2.. *sabar jer la.. main2 dia cakap?! Can say more less.. hhhmmmmmm...
Nak balik Miri... Miri lagi dan lagi.. lagi Miri. Ppprrrrrrfffff.. How to end this ahhh? Aisshh... this is y I put the word "endless" for my link. Everybody around me keep on pushing me.. weeii. Not too pushy ok?! Another 3 weeks--> 3 months dah..... 3 weeks fa... 3 weeks... faster.. faster.. think of something! Can I just angkat kaki.. Be a RUN AWAY MUM? hehehe.. Bet some of  you thought this blog is about RUNNING AWAY.. hahaha.. Nop! Runway Mum that's the exact title.. a tv show about runway models who's also a mum. Huuuhhh~ My head is getting heavy... 
This what I can think of.... EAT!!!! I'm not hungry.. just need something to eat. I think I got infected by my sis. Last time I can't even swallow a thing when I'm worried. Unlike my sis, makin runsing makin kuat makan. Waahh.. guess now I'm joining da club. I love to eat, consider one of my hobby. In the same time, I'm trying to gain some weight as I'm so ugly in this skinny minny body. Huhuhu.. I'm wondering if there's any guy out there dare to go out for a date with me.. hahahahhaha... "Eating Machine"! Where's all the food I ate? Y so hard to 1KG?!!! Aiiiyaaa... Susah... beli mknn byk.. padat masuk dlm bju jer pastu g timbang. Dah.. Tutup cerita. Haa.. kan dah ada "ending"? hahaha... Dah mcm2 vitamin dibeli.. kalau digumpul balik duit tu... hmmm... What will I do? Masih gak nak cari ikhtiar menaikkan berat badan.. ahahaha.. Memang cerita2 aku ni takde ending laa...

Dah la.. nak g jadi tikus kat dapur... makan sampai kenyang! Kenyang then baru ngantok.. hhhggguuurrrrr.... ZZzzzzZZzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzz.....

Friday, January 29, 2010


Boleh sampai sini saya nak lepas geram. Isshh... memang sah tahap geram yang melampau. Pagi tadi.. as usual, *as usual ker? mane la usual nya... bunyi macam hari2 jer. No.. no.. Not as usual. Hurrmm... as ape2 jer laa.. Ok, ni cerita pasal orang yang saya geram sangat!!

Namanya... urrmm.. biar lah rahsia. ahahaha.. Rasa mcm Dato' siti n Dato' K lak.. tp memang la nama dia mula dr K pun... Erm.. panggil Dato' K Mr. Mrs. K jer la.. cos HIS hair so long.. kalau tengok dari belakang, confirm fikir dia tu ppuan. *konon rambut tu la yang buat dia nampak muda remaja. chet... tak sedar diri!! ek napa marah2 ni? uisshh... emo nya aku?!

Perlu ke nak cerita ni, tapi memandangkan tahap ke"GERAM"an saya yang terlalu la tinggi... angin sebadan dkejanya. Kes die nak tido.. tapi saya masih nak bermanja2 chatting.. chat kita orang baru 2 3 line jer, die dah nak tdo!!!!!!! Lame dah tak chat, kebetulan ade benda nak bagi tau.. tapi....... dah malas la nak buka topik tu lagi. Takde mood dah... Mood dah lari ke laut. ehhh... Laut rendah sangat, lari ke langit!! (kira nak bagi tau tahap yang tinggi sesangat la nih). Dia pun satu gak, percaya gak cakap saya. I told him no need to sleep but it's not like I really mean it! Haizz.. Tu la, Bendul sangat. Tau la saya suka membuli tapi takde la saya ni kejam sgt. Ape daaa..... Doesn't matter anyway.. dulu2 best jer chat dengan die. Masalah besar mane pun boleh lupa kjp.. kjp jer la.. Well... people does changed. HHmmm... akibat geram yang tak leh nak dikawal, saya pun men"delete" no contact nya... huhuhu... Rasa bersalah la plak dah delete contact no. dia. Nak save balik.. dah tak ingat no. hahahah... Takpe laa. Biar jelaa.... Rindu lak dengan kawan sorang lagi, Kojex. Tapi.. ade lagi tapi nye. Tak pe la... Semua tengah sibuk... tak macam saya.. Lady Boss!! Turun keje ikut sukahati kaki... sampai ofis kol 10am pun boleh lagi bagi muka tak bersalah kat boss. Kalau dah boring2, g mall sebelah... lepak kat kiosk member. Rasa2 malas nak masuk ofis petang, balik rumah! Dah... 

Haa.. ada lagi yang buat saya geram ni. Baru saja tengah chat dengan Mr. Kojex -> that name no longer available.. Mr. KEDE kut!!! hahaha... padan muka. Jaga baik2 title tu weeiii... Makasih jer la!! Saya dah banyak sangat title ni.. tak larat dah nak masukkan title yang satu tu. Awak jaga and simpan baik2 k? 

Hmmmm... untuk meredakan keadaan, saya teringat kat plan saya nak g KL with my fren and maybe my auntie too.... plan time puasa nanti, shopping raya. Huhuhu... harap-harap jadi la plan saya ni. Tengah2 check email, mcm biasa laa ada email dr MAS ni menyemak dalam inbox. Iklan.. yang menyakitkan hati. *Napa laa hari ni ek..? semua la tak kene.. *maybe faktor "dtg kwn" kot.. haizz... kesian la sapa2 yang chat dengan saya hari ni. Semua kene tempias.. yang paling malang Mrs. K. hahaha.. cos his the 1st person on9 this morning. Back to the advertisement--> 

Heed the call of vibrant London!

All-inclusive fares • Book Now • Travel from 1 May-30 Sep 2010 

wahhh... time2 aku marah dengan orang london (MRS. K) ni.. ade lak binatang ni datang menduga kemarahan ku. Tau ape saya buat pas baca email ni? Book terus tiket g London.. Terminate my MAS acc.. tapi tak tau mcm mane.. huhu.. so I just "report Spam" je la.. isshhh.. terok gak effect "dtg kwn" saya kali ni. ~(?#?)~

So kesimpulan utk hari ni... I hate my "recent activities" for today!! Sorry... kepada sapa2 yang berkenaan..
*MRs. K
*MR. KEDE kut
*Encik Amir Din.. -> selamat bertunang!! (ESOK)
*Zack A.. Sorryy tak kene layan cos takut kene tempias.
*my bro... 
n so on so on...  uishhh byk gak eh? huhuhu..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Week days Morning Kids Program

My baby min.. never really attracted to any tv programs but lately.... hurrmm.. but kinda surprised me when she love to watch Hi-5!!! She even dance along with them.. just like this videos. *didn't get the chance to record a video. 

Ok... that is for the Hi-5 "Stop Look Listen"... Min only do "spinning" part. hehehe, if she keep on watching this program I bet she will start jumping around and won't surprised me if she can imitate the "STOP" , "LOOK", "LISTEN" part. Huh~ I can't wait to laugh to see that part. 
Baby Min : " mama tak supporting langsung." ;p

End of Hi-5!


Another #@%&* program coming up.......

Yo Gaba Gaba!!! 

Ni lagi pening... Guy in orange, that's the gabba gabba guy! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... I can't help myself, sorry really can't accept this gabba gabba things.

Then I keep wondering, how kids nowadays grow up with this kind of programs?!! Didn't mean to hurt any party.. but for me this is ridiculous.
Hope Min not to obsess with any of this. I think I better start buying books for her.. to distract her of cos! Waaa... it's a scary thing if she start to act like one of those characters.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Daily Routine

Today.. as usual, arrived office around 9am *suppose to be 8.30am!!! Dah la lewat, buat muka dunno jer. hahaha... Boss panggil, buat tak tau. Pura-pura tak dengar laa...
Then... 1st thing is 1st, ON COMPUTER la dulu. Then, open folder yang sepatutnya... *cover line itu penting!

Then... baru la on line. kui.. kui.. kui.. Facebook.. itu mesti! This is my "Recent activities" for today..

Appointment :

Esok ade event kat Taman Milenium Bintulu, launching phase 3 ke phase 2...  not so sure bout that. Rasa2 nye skate park baru... c Ned a.k.a Hasdur ni suruh pergi esok. Pastu esok dia orang sibuk main skate, I dok sorang2 jer.. Ingat nak bawa Min, tapi event tu dari pagi sampai petang. Waahhh.. BBQ stick!! For your information, it's really2 hot in Bintulu. Ntah.. maybe I'll just go for lepak2 in the evening only. 

Sesi berTeka-Teki.. Teka-Tekok :

Ni plak.. sesi menjawab teka-teki. None of my answers were correct. Yang 1st tu, kalau makan pisang, buang kulit. Kalau makan kulit, buang apa? hahahaha... My answer ~ Buang bulu. kahakahakah... cos sebelum post comment tu kta org cakap pasal bulu c *** tu.
The correct one is "buang tabiat".. ceh... Mane aku tau kau tanye pasal kulit pisang. Ingatkan kulit manok (ayam dalam bahasa sarawak).. hahahaha...

Teka teki seterusnya berbunyi begini, Kalau makan pusuk (ikan bilis la duh), tinggal kepala. Kalau makan kepala, tinggal apa? Then my answer goes like this -> tinggal taik pusuk. Hampeh hancus.. sikit pun tak kena.
Jawapan yang betul adalah "tinggal tanda tanya".. Mesti la orang heran kalau kepala pusuk pun dtelan skali. Tapi ada gak yang makan kepala ikan pusuk.. Sape cakap takde. uisshhh...
Sesi Merapu-raper ntah apa2:

Ni kes dah boring gilos abestos.. habis smua nak di comment. huhuhu...

Then.. macam biasa. baca blog member and chat dengan ribuan peminat sorang 2  kawan lama... Rasa kacak rasa dirik.. kuikuikui..

Sunday, January 17, 2010

~ My Family ~

Introducing the Complicated Family.. 

Hee... My Step Father the one with spectacle named Dennis Wong Hee Chiong. Hot and cold kinda person, Big Boss of Consultant Timur cum Engineer (I.R) dunno what that stand for. :p He's nice but not that nice, just like what I've said.. "hot n cold". Nothing much to tell bout him cos I ignore him most of the time ~ he always ask me to put on some weight, too skinny, some more he called me "Pink Panther"!! He's meal.. woooo.. less of everything, so he never like my cooking. So.... Why I have to care so much bout him. Ada aku kisah??!! But he's ok sometime.. sometime = once in the thousand time.

My mum.. erm, this is the latest. New Year 2010... increased weight!! But standard la kan? How old is she oouuhh?! Di ambang 50-an rasanya. Around 48 - 49. Tak la besar sangat, belum tahap XL lagi. Bout her... go to previous post.


Ok... Here come my cute lil' sister. Hairunisa Abdullah, 24. Chubby isn't she? If she can slim down a bit, sure she look prettier than me. Tapi ok la, no challenger. hehehe.. What I like bout her.. her smile (the chin), her jokes and she's very friendly. What so funny bout her, for me is her hair cos she have "maggi" curly hair. huhuhu... Seems like everyday is her "bad hair day". She will ask me before she step out from the car "Kak, ok kah rambut aku?" as she atur2 n sikat her rambut. hehehe.. Sometime I just help her atur2 sikit so she will feel better. Sometime I just "ok la ya"... hahaha. Part malas nak jawab dah. Dia tau.. dia tak pernah satisfied with her hair. Dah.. tutup cerita pasal rambut dia. Here come the part when we are facing serious issues!!! Haaa... confirm gaduh.  Tak pernah tak.. tak gaduh besar pun at least ada la sipik2 tu.. hehehe. Unlike when we were young, we not only argue.. more than that. Sampai baju koyak pun pernah... Dah besar ni takde la dahsyat sangat. Paling tidak pun, tak bertegur sapa. But she's ok. Gaduh macam mane pun, kejap jer. When ever I need her help, she will find a way to help me out in any way and any how. Ok.. that's all bout her, tak leh puji banyak sangat. Nanti sampai ke dahi kembang macam flowerhorn. Hahahaha... 


This is my youngest brother. Mohd Nazrin Abdullah.. Ni... ntah apa2 ntah. Still trying to find his own identity.. He is attending SPM exam end of this year. Mummy bought him a lap top as he said they need it to do their assignments. But what I've seen is this... on line 24-7. Bet he can't put his head on his study. But it's not what I want.. Hope he'll doing well and get his a** to any university he want to. I hope he will always remember all the hard time we've been through before. Kakak Onie :" Always be humble". You'll understand what I mean.. Just keep your body texture straight!! hahahaha... I mean, grow up as a tough guy!

Meet the ultraman die hard fan!!! My Step brother ~ James Wong Teck Hock, 4 years old. speak eloquently, you won't believe that he's 4 years old. English... wow, superb! Other languages... hahahaha. No Comment. Just like his father.. "Sila Tanya" = " Tumpang Tanya"... hahaha... He was trying to ask for direction, but.... kahkahkah... 

This is the closer look.. so handsome. Tapi manja!! huh~

Can you see the dinosaur? Green dinosaur.. he's hugging it. He can't sleep without the dinosaur.. seriously. He ever left it behind during our vacation to Miri last x'mas. Luckily he's in good mood. We were half way to Miri , I thought we're going to back to Bintulu for his dinosaur. But we did not. I dun remember what mummy said to persuade him... :p This pic was taken on the day they arrived Sabah. 


Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Mum??!!

Take a Closer Look.. How old is she? Cuba la teka..
If not mistaken, my mum masa ni 41 years old. Ntah mana dia ambik gambar ni, all I know~ she was trying a korean / japan produck (KANEBO) masa tu. But now switch to Lancome.. Gambar ni rasa-rasanya dalam 2004. Ahh.. dia la tu, masa tu belajar kat CIDB. Balik2 tengok mummy jadi model Korea. Hahahaha.. just kidding.
Intro :
Name : Livan Egang
D.O.B : 31st December 1962
Race : Kayan (Belaga)
Children : Nazli (30), Efa (28), Ronie (25), Yin (17), James (4).. ~R.I.P Mohammad (20 years ago)~
About her :
She's strict!! But that is a good thing. Cos if she's not, I won't be who I am now. I think I'll be ~lazy, messy, crappy, what ever sy ~ py.. tak reti masak, mengemas, what ever kerja rumah. And one more thing, if not because of her... I'm not a Diploma holder now! Well, I know it's not much.. But..... hahaha.. there's a "but"... To get a scroll of this Dip... bukan sesuatu yang senang. Pernah dengar orang ambik diploma 8 tahun? hahaha.. Me. The craziest thing I ever done!! Biar la Rahsia... Hahaha.. Ntah apa2 Ntah. 8 tahun tuh.. Hishh.. so unbelievable! Ntah berapa kali mulut ni cakap :" boring!! malas mok sambung!" Kene kaunseling pun pernah ni.. Do not Try this at School!
Back to mum, er.. what more to tell? haaa... just like others mum, her cooking are so so yummy!!!! The only person can make me fat.. Mummy! hehehehe...
erm.. no more to tell...
Last but not least..
She's one tough women with a strong heart that no one could ever imagine or feel the pain she felt inside. I just wanna wish may God blessed everything she have done.. wish you all the joy and happiness in your life. Love you always.. Mmmmuuaahhh ~(^-^)~

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