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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gara-Gara World Cup.....

Bola.. Bola.. Bola.. Bola..
Sana Sini Bola..
 So rasanya semua dah sedia maklum la kan??
Demam bola dah mula melanda para-para KIPAS yang SUSAH  nak MATI BOLA ni..

Nak dijadikan cerita....
2 of my colleagues kene buang keje...
Uhuk.. uhuk..
Datang keje dengan mata stim.. ngantuk.. and tido!!!
Boss tanya kenapa tido?
Ingatkan tak sihat ker apa.. *memang tak sihat pon...!
Then this fellow answered....
"Malam tadi tak tido, tengok BOLA"
apa punya beng......AP laa...
Nak jujur pun bertempat la..
Tapi diorang ni memang dah plan nak resign dari company ni.
Just tunggu masa jer..
Memandangkan review diorang tak berapa nak memuaskan hati BOSS...
So diorang kene KICK OUT terus..

hehehe... Kalau ikutkan yang sebenarnya diorang takde la kene buang keje
Gara-gara berjaga malam tengok bola. ahaks....
Just wanna remind all the football fans out there...
Make sure you got enough COFFEE supply till END of the session!!

I'm sure you don't want this to happen... :p

Laydee_N : Another boring working day... haiiissshhh.. :( But Good News.... I'M BACK!!!! hehehe.. I mean "Blog Walking"... :) kihkihkih.. But the traffic still a bit disappointing. its ok dohh..

2 Secreto D Amore:

adzmarfazami said...

demam bola memang menyeronokkan! =]

~ ( LayDee_N ) ~ said...

YER.. seronok tgk ragam diorang ni.

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