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Thursday, July 8, 2010

The forecast of a Psychic Octopus!!!

By now.. 
Mesti dah ramai yang meronggeng 
Tak kurang yang menonggeng..
Disebabkan kemenangan SPAIN 1-0
menentang GERMAN..
Saya... dua dua pun tak sokong.
Tapi tadi saya bertaruh dengan my darl, 
Spain akan menang!
*semacam confident jer SPAIN nak menang...*

Sebenarnya saya cuma nak tengok sejauh mana KEBENARAN..
for those who ever heard bout this rumors 
Psychic Octopus..
Maybe korang faham la apa repekan saya ni
Petang semalam saya sempat blog reading  jap
then terbaca pasal si sotong yang boleh meramal ni
Tak pasti lak kalau sotong tu boleh ramal semua game.
So far sotong tu meramal game GERMAN jer.

Dah kol 5.30AM ni... nak sambung tdo jap.
Pagi nanti nak bangun gi kerja...
Nak siapkan Min gi sekolah lagi..
For Further Info...
Go to this blog ---->R e w r i t e
Mana yang rajin google.. boleh la tolong search gak ek?
Internet sekarang ni tak mengizinkan saya mengGooGle!!

Laydee_N: Sorry darl.. i'm going to bed NOW!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cell phones as dangerous as drunk driving!!!

2.35pm... I just arrived office.
Went out for lunch just now
Suppose to be in before 1.30pm!!!! Ngeeeeeeeeeeee..... ~(#,#)~ I'm Dead Meat!!
Client dah call ntah brapa kali

Actually, I'm late because of this @#%^&* guy..
Talking on the phone while driving..
And with his "P" sticker on his CAR!!!
Stop at the middle of the junction.. Can not manage to drive properly!!
Line Clear pun Tak leh nak kuar gak ker??!!
Rasa Nak JERIT JER!!! Hoiiiii...
"Dah la driving dengan lesen "P"... Pastu on fon lak!!!"
He's very lucky I'm not driving a BIG FOOT!!!
Nak bergayut pun.. Berhenti tepi la dulu!!!!!!
Tengah trafik jam
Nasib Min takde dalam keta..
kalau tak.. aiyak! kan dah ternganga budak tu dengar saya mencarut-carut!
heeee... But usually I won't go and curse anybody infront of my daughter.
She's a fast learner... Most of her age can catch up very fast one. 
So be careful... they are like a mirror reflection. heee..
Sure we don't want our "reflection" to be seen in front of others.. Right?

Ok.. thats all for today.
My advise...
Please... No hand phone for "PRE-MATURE" drivers!!
For PRO.. like me, it's ok. hahahhaha...
naaa... What I mean is,
If you think you can manage to drive safely and SMART!!
Then I don't think its a big problem to others...
How you feel if you are in their situation?
So think of others..

 "Just like you put yourself and other people at risk when you drive drunk, you put yourself and others at risk when you use a cell phone and drive," writes David Strayer, a psychology professor and the study's lead author. "The level of impairment is very similar."

Laydee_N : 1st time tulis entry dalam keadaan panas baran. heeee... but now ok daa .... SIKIT! huuuuuh... Tarik nafas~~~~~ and .... hmmmmm....  

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Laydee_N's Dream Zone Falling Apart

When you feel like everything gone wrong
And you don't know what to do..
Don't know which way to go..
Don't know what to believe...
And there's no body want to listen to you...
What would you do?

When there's somebody willing to do anything for you..
and you won't let them
But you can't find a right word to tell them so..
Would you just walk away without a word?

How I wish I was invisible right now
So I won't hurt anybody..
Cos I'll get hurt too...
Even More... :(

GUILTY.. is an inevitable feeling.
this feeling sometime can discourage us...
And that is when you start to feel like everything gone WRONG!

What make it even worst...
When you want to share it with somebody...
But that somebody refuse to know bout it..
It's really sad.. very.. very SAD.
At the end.. there's only ME... crying ALONE.
Would it be ok if I just go on.. ALONE?

Laydee_N : Darl.. :(

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