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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gara-Gara World Cup.....

Bola.. Bola.. Bola.. Bola..
Sana Sini Bola..
 So rasanya semua dah sedia maklum la kan??
Demam bola dah mula melanda para-para KIPAS yang SUSAH  nak MATI BOLA ni..

Nak dijadikan cerita....
2 of my colleagues kene buang keje...
Uhuk.. uhuk..
Datang keje dengan mata stim.. ngantuk.. and tido!!!
Boss tanya kenapa tido?
Ingatkan tak sihat ker apa.. *memang tak sihat pon...!
Then this fellow answered....
"Malam tadi tak tido, tengok BOLA"
apa punya beng......AP laa...
Nak jujur pun bertempat la..
Tapi diorang ni memang dah plan nak resign dari company ni.
Just tunggu masa jer..
Memandangkan review diorang tak berapa nak memuaskan hati BOSS...
So diorang kene KICK OUT terus..

hehehe... Kalau ikutkan yang sebenarnya diorang takde la kene buang keje
Gara-gara berjaga malam tengok bola. ahaks....
Just wanna remind all the football fans out there...
Make sure you got enough COFFEE supply till END of the session!!

I'm sure you don't want this to happen... :p

Laydee_N : Another boring working day... haiiissshhh.. :( But Good News.... I'M BACK!!!! hehehe.. I mean "Blog Walking"... :) kihkihkih.. But the traffic still a bit disappointing. its ok dohh..

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Office Life..

huuuuuaarrrggggg...... Ngantuk nyer!!
Hahaha.. Mesti korang tertanya-tanya kenapa ngantuk..

Sebenarnya saya pun tak tau nak taip apa daa..
 Since last week dah duduk kat ofis jer takde kuar gi mana-mana
Dulu, muka saya jarang ada kat ofis cos I'm the Runner.
But now, saya terpaksa ganti tempat member yang sorang ni.
Bulan depan dia dah nak resign.... hmmmm
Dok ofis tenung muka boss jer la jawab nyer...
 Keje tak lah banyak sangat tapi tak pernah putus...
Call client remind them bout their maid's working permit,
Prepare document for new applicant,
and so on.. so on.

Paling fade up, bila berdepan dengan maid yang bermasalah.
Macam-macam alasan, ada yang tak masuk akal...
Kekadang tu saya rasa geli hati gak laa tengok karenah diorang tu.
But most of the time, saya GERAM!
Saya tanya satu.. jawapan nya beribu-ribu dan keluar tajuk!
Bikin panas aja... 

Tapi nasib baik laa, ada sorang colleague ni ditugaskan khas untuk kaunseling maid-maid bermasalah
kalau tak, boleh gila saya dikerja maid-maid tu. :(
Saya ni nak dikatakan temper, tak juga.
Cuma saya tak suka deal dengan benda-benda remeh yang tak tentu pasal.

Apa-apa pun, semua tu takde la teruk sangat.
Kalau dah sampai tahap yang amat MEMBOSANKAN...
I just log in to my FACEBOOK!!!
hahaha.. POKER TIME!!!!
boring dengan poker..
Tenung muka my Darl.. Hahaha..

Then My desk will be like THIS!!
Keje memang takkan habis... sentiasa ada keje.
Keje hari ni.. kene siapkan hari ni gak.
Kalau delay.. keje lain confirm terpaksa kene delay gak.
End of the day.. terpaksa bawa balik rumah siapkan. 
Bunyi macam busy jer kan??
Ntah laa... tak menentu.
Ada keje pun, keje boring-boring jer.
Bulan depan my lady boss cuti bersalin 2 minggu..
Mesti semua benda tunggang terbalik,
Saya just takut saya tak leh nak handle hal-hal immigration..
Benda lain rasanya saya takde masalah sangat.
Yang berkaitan dengan immigration, kalau TERsalah submit ker apa...
Nahas woooooo...
Wish me luck!!!


Laydee_N : I miss my OLD tasks.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Sayang....

Last two years, today was Father's day..
and Min was born that day.
Since 15.6.2008
My life has been upside down 
But watching Min grow up make me, my life, my world "STOP" for a while...
Just looking at her face.. all the problems disappeared 
Maybe there's a reason why God let she leave...
Everybody thought she can't make it... 
Cos she was born pre-mature (33 weeks)
And I was running out of Amniotic (air ketuban) 
After two days waiting for her...
Finally, 15.6.2008 at 12.10AM everything was like a miracle

3 days old

Recently pose... 
this one, she's purposely ran to the wall and gave me the pose. Cute!

But so sorry to her, this year we can't throw a birthday party for her.
Cos everybody in the house got infected to the RED EYES disease!!
So irritating.. 

Min was the 1st person...

Then ME..

Then... My sis!!! and My step brother. ( he won't let us took his pic )

Maybe we'll make it as a belated birthday party. 
It's been a crazy week.... 
Busy with those un-finish office works... and I was not feeling so well.
And so do now..

Laydee_N : Happy Birthday sayang.. Daddy must be so busy to remember your birthday. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Love YOU... MmmuuuaaHHH...

Hye all... Ni menyempat jap sebelum Mata Layu Terkulai Di Atas Katil
~~~~~~ 6 hours later ~~~~~~

hahhaha... Tadi dah tertido
Dok memerah otak pikir apa ayat seterusnya...
Tup.. Tup.. Dahh padam.
Baru satu ayat.... Tapi ni ok daaa
Mata dah segar.. hehehehe

Tapiii.... Saya dah lupa apa main point entri ni.
Huhuhuhu... :( jap refresh balik...
tajuk dah I LOVE YOU.... mesti laa korang tertanya-tanya
Sape YOU???

Nak tengok sape YOU?


As u know la kan.. Lately, Saya jarang dah online and update blog.
Not to mention Blog Walking laaa..
So.. i guess u know la how's my statistic look like

Saya dah lama dah tak g jenguk blog-blog orang...
So banyak yang dah ketinggalan..
Maybe there's some explaination for this..
Nuffnang have been NON-STOP giving me buffered.. 
Since Mid April if I'm not mistaken...
Tapi sayang... My traffic is sooo UnAcceptable LOW!!

Yet they don't want to stop the buffered
I'd received six buffered CONTINUOUSLY...
4 of it already turn to meter earning..
now only 2 still on the run.. heee

Ni dah almost 2 weeks.. tak bergerak langsung.
Naper ek??? Baik hati NUFFNANG ni... hehehehe
Tapi bukan NUFFNANG hanya akan bagi buffered untuk blog yang traffic JEM jer ker??
Boleh tolong explain tak?

Sad.. I'm too SUPER DUPER BUZY!!!
Betul2 tak leh nak manage masa untuk blog..
For the moment laa...
Keja kekadang saya TERLEPAS LUNCH...
Sometime LUNCH at 4 or 5pm...
Kekadang balik dari ofis almost 6PM...
Sampai rumah straight to DAPUR
Masak untuk makan malam..
then URUS si BUDAK KECIK MIN lagi....
bagi tido MIN.. dengan saya sekali laa tido..
Sometime saya tido dulu.. MIN?? U know laa...

One of my colleague dah berhenti...
Belum ada pengganti, keje dia passdown kat saya. :(
Keje saya lagi tak pandai habis.. 
So imagine laa camne saya nak buat keje2 saya tu...
Kekadang.. bawa balik... kalau dah bawa balik...
Memang confirm saya tido atas timbunan kertas keje..
Dengan account yang tunggang langgang..
Rasa nak marah gak aarrr... 
But what to do.. Buat la takat yang mampu.
tak abis.. esok ada lagi...
hahahhaahha... bukan BOSS nak bagi gaji lebih pon kalau keje lebih masa..
Sooo.... why should I care?
Sapa suruh kedekut sangat..?

Laydee_N : Melelat plak entri kali ni. Better stop here.. Blog Walking here I come!!!!

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