I believe that we all have our own experience waiting for something OR somebody. I'm gonna cut this short... cos I've been deleting and re-write the same thing over and over again. Now is almost 1AM. For your information, I started to write this since 5PM (16/05/2010)... Cut off my cooking time, dinner and washed the dishes, mean more less 4 hours working on this one as I'm waiting for someone.
Did you ever asked yourself "What Am I Waiting For?". I guess a lot more than that.. 1st of all, of cos we'll start wondering "Are they going to show up?"... then "What if they don't show up?" then... "Should I wait?" ..."Why are they not coming yet?" and so on. Some people hate waiting... For me, I hate to have this crazy thought in my mind. If I'm one of their "FORGOTTEN LIST"... I still can deal with that. What I CAN NOT deal with is..... "WHAT'S HAPPEN TO THEM?".
Now almost 7AM, I'm still waiting! I'm not sure why and what am I waiting for. So annoying... But still wanna wait for something that IMPOSSIBLY UNITE! I know WE will end up with nothing... soon or later, hope you don't mind if I wait till this moment END!
Laydee_N : ...............................................

2 Secreto D Amore:
I hate waiting too.. sometimes it challenge my patience hehe.
me too....sangat benci menunggu!!
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